Is using blog tools technology can improve the speaking aspect of English as second language learning An analysis of literature review

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June 16, 2020
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June 16, 2020

Is using blog tools technology can improve the speaking aspect of English as second language learning An analysis of literature review

Is using blog tools technology can improve the speaking aspect of English as second language learning An analysis of literature review
Order Description
In this conference paper you must critically discuses what is being said in Literature review, and in your conclusion you must prove that blog tools technology can improve the speaking aspect of English as second language learning

In this paper, you must used old and recent reference,
You must used 2015 references and 2016.

Each statement must be referenced correctly,
Avoid using same references many times in one paragraph.

In Conclusion section:
You must give your opinion, supported by evidence that you discuss in the paper.

That blog tools can improve the speaking aspect of English as second language learning