Is the female parent incoupling or repulsion phase

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April 11, 2020

Is the female parent incoupling or repulsion phase

1) The Drosophila alleleby determines the mutant phenotype blistery wings and thewild type allele by+ determines normal wings.At another gene, the allele ss determines the mutantphenotype spineless bristles and the wild type alleless+ determines spiny bristles. A female flythat is heterozygous for both genes is crossed with a male that hasblistery wings and spineless bristles. Four different phenotypesare seen in the progeny, in the following numbers:

Normal wings, spinybristles 231

Normal wings, spinelessbristles 14

Blistery wings, spinybristles 16

Blistery wings, spinelessbristles 239

a. Use these data toestimate the distance in centiMorgans between these genes.

b. Write out the genotypes of eachparent and the genotypes of each of the four kinds of offspring.Your notation of the genotypes should indicate which alleles sharethe same chromosome. For each kind of offspring, indicate whetherit arose from a parental gamete or a recombinant gamete.

c. Is the female parent incoupling or repulsion phase?