Human Diversity.
October 21, 2020
Structure for Conglomerates
October 22, 2020


The rate of obesity in the United States of America has been on the increase. Data shows that in the 1970s the rate of obesity was around 14%. This percentage has increased two folds to 28% by the year 2013 and is still on the rise (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2006). Nonetheless, the growing obesity rate can be slowed down if not stopped. The society and the government in general should put more focus on the causes of obesity. The most important focus is for the society to enforce a healthier food choice and exercise more frequently. The government should educate the society about the benefits of having regular exercising programs, eating healthy and making the right nutritional choices.

The society should be aware that obesity is not a disease. It is a risk factor that leads to health related conditions and diseases. The result of poor nutrition and food choice is most likely to be obesity. This result points out to obesity as a side effect. The present American society leads a more sedentary life as compared to the past ones. The moderate physical activity has led to a lesser amount of calories expended. These calories are converted into body fat, and eventually,they add up to an individual being obese. Obese persons in the society (healthy obese) enjoy and live long, healthy life. They do not exhibit the high cholesterol or blood sugar levels. Therefore, obesity does not reduce life expectancy unless for the extreme ends, which will cause the development of high levels of cholesterol.

Three premises of the argument in opposition to the conclusion

Obesity is a disease. This view holds that obesity is a disease based on the definition given by the American Medical Association. It defines a disease as a factor that impairs the normal working of the human body; has characteristic symptoms and signs; and leads to the increment of harm and morbidity to the human being. This definition is helpful. The tool of believing can be applied to this view and as a result, one would notice the position held by the relevant professional bodies on the view. The professionals and the relevant bodies such as the American Medical Association have the mandate to offer guiding principles for the health industry. However, this idea might be true if they ignored the fact that obesity by itself is a factor that provides a suitable condition for other diseases and conditions such as heart attack due to high levels of cholesterol to occur (Obesity Pros and Cons, n.d.).

Obesity impairs an individual’s normal function, morbidity in particular. It is an interesting view since a majority of the people suffering from obese experience impaired motion. Most of the time when they undertake normal physical activities such as walking or lifting, they are faced with shortness of breath. It is helpful to note that obese patients do not have a complete movement of their limbs. When one believes this view, they will notice that obese patients rarely move around as much as the overweight or the normal people do. Furthermore, one would notice that obese patients usually experience reproductive impairment problems. However, the idea that obesity causes reduced mobility and contributes to sexual dysfunction might not be true. Obesity is a side effect of having a poor nutritional diet and reduced physical activity. It, therefore, means that the poor food choices and the lack of physical exercise are the main culprits that lead to the reduced motion and sexual dysfunction (Obesity Pros and Cons, n.d.).

Obesity causes death and leads to a decrease in the life expectancy of the affected person. It is interesting to note that obesity shortens the life of a patient between three and ten years. If the view is believed, then one will notice the many deaths that occur per year because of obesity and the increased risk of death from the other diseases. This idea might be true under conditions where every obese patient dies or is affected with other fatal diseases. However, many of the healthy obese patients lead long and normal lives. Similarly, they are not affected by heart attacks or high-blood pressure (Obesity Pros and Cons, n.d.).

What is obesity and why is it not a disease

Obesity refers to a condition where an individual registers a level greater than 24.9 on the Body Mass Index (BMI).Although obesity is a risk factor for other diseases and conditions, it is preventable and not a disease by itself. It is referred to as a preventable risk factor for many diseases that ultimately affect the human body. These diseasesinclude, but not limited to heart attacks, type 2-diabetes and high-cholesterol levels. Therefore, obesity cannot be said to be a disease (Obesity Pros and Cons, n.d.).

Who has a high risk of suffering from obesity?

Obesity is not limited to a particular race, age, or culture. Anybody can become obese. There are defining principles that determine if one becomes obese. These principles include the type of food consumed by a person and the level of activity in their life. People who have a poor nutritional and food choice end up consuming a huge amount of refined sugar, hydrogenated fats, and salt. In addition to the sedentary living that has become part of life nowadays, these two elements cause obesity. Everyone is at risk of being obese, mostly the people who lead sedentary lives and have poor eating habits (Obesity Pros and Cons, n.d.).

How many other factors are available that may result in obesity

Obesity is a side effect caused by many diseases and certain conditions. Apart from the lifestyle causes seen above, a number of syndromes can also cause obesity. These syndromes include Cushing’s, polycystic ovary, and Prader-Willis. Moreover, medication such as antidepressants and diabetes medications can cause obesity. The various causes pointed here give a clear indication that obesity is a side effect and not a disease(Obesity Pros and Cons, n.d.).

Types of bias

When one is reading the premises on the pro and con side of the obesity argument, the following biases were experienced.

Choice-supportive bias is the first bias that was experienced. It was the tendency to think that the choices and cons presented in the document were better than the one’s on the pros side. The second form of bias was the confirmation bias. It was experienced when one had the tendency to observe, focus, and look for information on the cons side that would affirm one’sperception. Thirdly, the belief bias was also experienced. The conclusion given by the pro side of the argument was that obesity is a disease. The believability of that conclusion of the argument is weak compared to the con side, which holds that obesity is not a disease (Peter, 2006).

The original position that obesity is not a disease has not changed. Although the pro side seeks to justify that it is a disease, one finds that the argument presented for its case is weak. Just because it is recognizable by the professional body as a disease does not make it so. Similarly, the premises on the issue are the same. The reasons that suggest that obesity is a not a disease are firm and hold true. They have shown that obesity is a side effect caused by a number of factors(Obesity Pros and Cons, n.d.).


Obesity Pros and Cons. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2014 from  

Peter, E. (2006). The Believing Game and How to Make Conflicting Opinions More Fruitful.         Retrieved July 23, 2014 from

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2006). Retrieved July 23, 2014 from
