Is it rational to believe the predictions and generalizations of science?

September 5, 2020
research in business project proposal Academic Essay
September 5, 2020

Is it rational to believe the predictions and generalizations of science?

Is it rational to believe the predictions and generalizations of science?
Paper details:
Remember that the task here is to be able to rationally persuade an intelligent non-philosopher of your position. This means that you should try to define the terms
you use and make clear why the question is a sensible one. After all, most people don’t feel the need to ask whether they should hold someone who just kicked them in
the shins on purpose responsible for what they’ve done. And most people would consider scientific inductive reasoning the very standard of rationality.

these are not research papers. You are responsible for using the concepts and ideas we’ve talked about in this class and responding in a way that reveals that you’re
aware of these issues. Make use of them when they help. But no outside research is necessary and might actually make things harder. You are not responsible for any
readings other than the ones assigned. All the problems we’ll be covering can be explored and debated for years. It is useful to keep our discussion contained.
Grading Criteria for position papers
Expository Clarity:
A reader of your essay should be able to easily answer these questions:
1. What question has the writer attempted to answer?
2. What has the writer claimed is the answer to that question?
3. What reasons did the writer give for that answer?
Presence of argument:
The thesis of a paper is the conclusion it purports to establish. The thesis plus the reasons given in its support are classed an argument. A thesis without supporting
reasons is a dogmatic statement of opinion and while biographically interesting, is not of philosophical value.