Is hiring ethical people the most important factor involved in creating and sustaining an ethical organisation?

Promotion & Public Relations
July 26, 2020
Personality Assessment of Jaylene Smith
July 26, 2020

Is hiring ethical people the most important factor involved in creating and sustaining an ethical organisation?

Topic 1. Is hiring ethical people the most important factor involved in creating and sustaining an ethical organisation?

Essays should be no longer than 2000 words, exclusive of appendices, references, etc. Students are required to undertake research to locate academic references using online databases (e.g EBSCO, Proquest, Emerald, Science Direct etc) and need to use at least twelve academic references.  As an indicative list of Journals that articles might be found in: Journal of Business Ethics; Business Ethics Quarterly; Business & Society; Corporate Governance; Corporate Governance: An International Review; Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.

( i need this before 8pm australian eastern time)