Is enterprise bargaining a useful method to increase productivity and make a better way of working??
Subject of assignment:Research Proposal.You are required to prepare research proposal for a research project
in the are a of management(including accounting and finance, business and management and marketing).
The research project should be capable of being undertaken over a maximum period of 10months,taking up about one quarter of the researcher?s worktime
during that period.This would be equivalent to about 300 working hours.
good research proposal will contain the following:
? title reflecting the substance of the research.
? A introduction setting out the reasons why the proposed research project is likely to be interesting,and
showing how the proposed research links with previous work in the field.(200words)
? brief literature review identifying and commenting on key theoretical ideas being used in the research and the main previous research writings.
? statement of the research question(s)and/orthe research objective(s) that the proposed research project seeks to investigate or achieve.
This could take the form of one or more hypotheses/researchquestions.(100-200words)
? discussion of the proposed research method explaining the intended design oftheresearch,how data will be collected,and how any samples or cases will be identified
or selected.(300words;You may wish to include some of the text from your concept note.
However,you must NOT copy it word-?-for-?-word)
? timetable setting out the various stages of the proposed research project(this could be in the form of a Gantt chart).(100words)
? consideration of practical issues including resources, access and data protection matters,possible ethical concerns,and
any constraints limiting the use of the research by others.If there are no such issues,then a brief statement noting this
will be appropriate.(200-?-300 words)
? list of references to published material quoted and/or referred to in the proposal(particularly in the introduction
and literature review sections).
At the proposal stage of a research project,you are not expected to have undertaken a full literature review,and references to
5 to 10 relevant publications will probably be enough for most proposals.(Not included in the word count).
Please use the Harvard referencing system when citing published material.
? Anappendix that includes a copy of your concept note.(Not included in the word count)
My concept note:
Research Topic:
?Is enterprise bargaining a useful method to increase productivity and make a better way of working?? is the research topic.
The reason of setting this topic is that enterprise bargaining is mainly used nowadays in workplace that it seems benefit both employers and works at the same time, therefore the research is trying to find out is it a good way for helping work productivity and having contribution brought inside the working area. One of the literatures is from Griffith University.
Application of research philosophies
The research topic is about finding out the usefulness of enterprise bargaining .
It can be related to both positivism and interpretivism in the situation of working.
Firstly, interpretivism can be approached in this research since enterprise practising makes the work at best practise according to the Fair Work Act 2009(FW Act) and it is phenomenological .When employers and workers are working out the best way of pay and working condition, they will lead out the reasons and meanings of having different kinds of solutions in order to increase the productivity. There can be many changes occur during the enterprise bargaining. Interpretivism are commonly used in this research topic since the viewing of it is subjective that depends on the thought of both employers and workers. Also, the main feature of interpretivism is that the researchers interacts with what things are being research because it is hard to separate what is existing in the social word from the researchers? mind. In order to reach this feature, it is important that both employers and workers should sit together to have enterprise bargaining to make sure that there will be a good outcome of interpretivism. Although interpretivism is a good approach to use in this research topic, it could be time consuming when having the data collection through the bargaining. It may be time consuming and can?t help a lot in the productivity. Moreover, positivism can also be approached in this research topic since some work depends on quantitative data more than qualitative for example manufacturing company that this kind of company will need discovery of theories and testable hypotheses based on empirical research. This research philosophy is trustworthy that when the company is making some liquids products, it is important to measure quantity correct and it must rely on the scientific method. Since positivism is also an important philosophy to increase productivity, enterprise bargaining may not be useful in this circumstances. Therefore the research topic may be approached through both Positivism and Interpretivism and find out more when doing deep research.