Is cloning of human beings immoral? If so why? And whose definition of morality are you using?

The Roar of the Crowd/Barash, David P . The Chronicle of Higher Education 55.28 (Mar 20, 2009): B8-B11.
September 10, 2020
Organisms are placed in taxonomic classifications based on differences and similarities of their traits. If you know what critical traits to look for,
September 11, 2020

Is cloning of human beings immoral? If so why? And whose definition of morality are you using?

Is cloning of human beings immoral? If so why? And whose definition of morality are you using? If you believe that cloning is immoral, do you think the government should pass a law banning cloning? As you see it,

what are the potential dangers of cloning? The potential benefits? Of the following potential benefits, which, if any would you approve of and why: Using cloning to repair diseased hearts and replace failing brain cells? Using cloning to enable couples who cannot conceive children to have children? Using cloning to create a genetic duplicate of a child, spouse, or loved one who dies?