Is a daily chest radiograph in Intensive care unit ( I.C.U ) necessary

mission statements
August 23, 2020
Professionalism in Nursing Academic Essay
August 23, 2020

Is a daily chest radiograph in Intensive care unit ( I.C.U ) necessary

Topic: Is a daily chest radiograph in Intensive care unit ( I.C.U ) necessary
Order Description
literature Review

Please follow the instructions carefully

? You are required to submit a 1500 word (+/ – 10%) review

of published literature.

? The review should read as a cohesive article outlining and

evaluating current research and practice in Medical

Imaging. You are required to include a minimum of 15

journal articles directly relevant to the topic

? Cover page with the title of the literature review

? Introduction

? Body of the review

? Conclusion

(You may wish to use the above as sub headings but this is not

recommended. Instead use sub headings within the body of the

review to break down ideas into readable chunks)

( Reference list (separate page / last page

Your must be referenced appropriately using the APA 6th

edition system, including any diagrams, tables etc directly

relevant to the topic

This literature review is to be based upon published literature

only, meaning published journal literature supported by some

books where relevant. Statistical data from relevant Australian

Government organizations are acceptable (for example CSIRO,

ARPANZA, DOHA, DHS). Excerpts from pamphlets, websites

and unpublished sources are not acceptable. You are required to

review a minimum of 15 journal articles directly relevant to the

The APA 6 system of referencing should be used.