Introduction to Psychological Testing Paper

September 12, 2020
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September 12, 2020

Introduction to Psychological Testing Paper

A test is an estimation gadget or method used to measure conduct or support in the comprehension and forecast of conduct (Robert & Dennis, 2012). It can additionally be alluded to as a set of things that are intended to measure the normal for a person to relate to conduct. Domino and Marla defined a test as an objective and standardized measurement of a sample and behavior(Domino & Marla, 2011).It can be alluded to as a technique where professionals in the field try to find out the key components of a person’s psychological well being or any other component. It could be considered as an apparatus for basic assessment

Question 2

Psychological testing can be classified into five main groups; these are; mental capability, achievement, Personality, Interest and attitude, and neuropsychological tests.

Mental capacity tests measure cognitive capacities, for example, insights, memory, spatial visualization, and inventive deduction.Its initial purpose was to offer a fast, cheap, and reasonably faultless measure of general human capability.

Achievement tests evaluate ability inside specific territories of mastery, and may include appraisals of perusing, math, science, and social studies, or can recognize more particular achievements. They are intended to find out the extent to which an individual knows about a given area within a particular time.Personality tests are intended to deliver data about identity. They are the most widely used category. These tests contrast a person’s reaction with diverse clinical gatherings for likeness and may measure stress, dietary problems, neurotic or debilitating conditions, or interests of the human being. Interest and attitude tests may include professional investment measures, which are utilized in high schools and universities. Likewise, in this class are measures of mentality to particular subjects and groups. Neuropsychological tests are intended to give data about mind capacity and the focal sensory system(Kline, The Handbook of Psychological Testing, 2011).

There are four primary users of these tests. These are people in the medical, education, employment and exploration fields. In the medical fields, such tests are utilized within counseling, school brain science, and neuropsychology to recognize the nature and seriousness of particular issues, and may be utilized to evaluate the advancement or gage the adequacy of a remedial application. In the educational setting, the users are educators, educational administrators, and parents. The tests are utilized to assess learning, to document proficiency and to anticipate success in scholarly work (Stephen, Gregory, & John, 2011). In an employment setting, the tests are utilized in organizations in selecting the most-qualified individuals for a particular position. Testing is likewise utilized in performance evaluation in business.

In a research, tests are utilized within psychology, education, and behavioral and social sciences. They may be used to characterize dependent variables from which further testing is done. Besides, tests serve as portraying paramount attributes of examples utilized as part of exploration, or in inquiring about standard or recently planned tests.

  1. Question 3

Two of the most critical ideas in testing are dependability and legitimacy; while legitimacy alludes to whether the test measures what it plans to measure, unwavering quality or dependability alludes to the consistency of the estimation(Kline, 2011). Both ideas give tests their worth. A measure might be dependablewithout being legitimate; be that as it may, a test can’t be legitimate on the off chance that it is not solid. Testing is categorized according to their consistency, replicabilityand reliability. Utilizing these terms, a test must reliably deliver the same or comparative data, and it must incline to replication. Moreover, the test must be tried and found to be true and that it produce the same score for a single person.

Legitimacy is the most vital normal for testing. Robert and Denis clarifies that it is uncertain to address the legitimacy of the test, yet rather “allude to the elucidation of a score for a specificreason or utilization. Expressed, it is essential to secure propriety between the test and the derivations made by its yield. At the point when alluding to legitimacy, it is critical to survey to what degree a test is legitimate for the specific reason, instead of attempting to figure out if it is by and large substantial. Similarly, basic is the need to focus the precision of standards.

Dependability and legitimacy are the foundations that offer quality to tests. The legitimacy of mental tests is strong and convincing and is equivalent to the legitimacy of therapeutic tests. At the point when tests are both solid and legitimate, they can yield data that can be used for further research tests and applications. Science relies on the dependability and legitimacy of research tests and remedial application


Domino, G., & Marla, L. D. (2011). Scientific Foundations of Clinical Assessment. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Kline, P. (2011). The Handbook of Psychological Testing. East Sussex, United Kingdom: Psychology Press.

Robert, K., & Dennis, S. (2012). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues.Massachusetts, United States of America: Cengage Learning.

Stephen, N. H., Gregory, T. S., & John, D. H. (2011). Scientific Foundations of Clinical Assessment. Oxford, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.