Dream Foreclosed Laura Gottesdiener
June 22, 2020
: Millennials in the Workforce
June 22, 2020

introduction to policing

introduction to policing

Order Description
Text Book: An Introduction To Policing (8th Edition)
Author(s): John S. Dempsey & Linda S. Frost
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 13:978-1-285-86273-6
1). Students will be required to write a book report of the required reading for this
2). The report should be 3-4 pages in length with a cover sheet
3). The report should be typed (12 Font) and double spaced.
4). You are expected to analyze the book and make a “recommendation” if the book
is a “good” or “bad” read for this class. Explain why or Why not!