Introduction to Industrial Relations Academic Essay

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Introduction to Industrial Relations Academic Essay

Evie is a 19 year-old, first year university student who is employed on a casual basis
by Ozzie Mart in Newcastle. Ozzie Mart is a general merchandising retail outlet that
supplies a range of products for everyday living and products for just about all family
needs. Evie does general customer service duties, operates a cash register as well
sundry other tasks including stocking shelves and putting together product displays.
She quite likes some of the people she works with there, the job is convenient to
home and it helps to support her financially during her studies.
However, lately Evie has become very concerned about some of her conditions at
work. Firstly, she is starting to suspect that she is not getting the wages that she is
entitled to. In particular, she has been receiving the same hourly rate of pay
irrespective of when she works her shifts – weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays or public
holidays. Secondly, the manager has recently changed Evie’s rosters at very short
notice three times, disrupting both her study and social plans. Thirdly, Evie recently
had her 19th birthday and was wondering about her pay rate.
Evie is not sure what to do about her concerns. She knows there are some minimum
legal standards that apply to her job, but she is not sure what they are and how they
might help her. Evie has also heard some co-workers say that they are members of
the union. She needs a job. She is afraid of losing her current position unless she
has a better one to go to.
The Task:
What advice can you give to Evie about how to address her problems at work? What
should Evie do:
– to make sure that she receives the correct wages?
– to achieve more suitable rostering arrangements?

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions