Explain senior management’s role in preparing the organization to shift from a catalog-based retailer to an Internet retailer.
April 3, 2020
Describe the various types of retirement plans in existence today.
April 3, 2020

Interview Preparation

Website: http://www.udel.edu/CSC/pdfs/InterviewPrep.pdf

1. Go to http://www.udel.edu/CSC/pdfs/InterviewPrep.pdf This site provides another overview for preparation for interviews and also provides commonly asked questions an interviewee should/should not ask. Behavioural type questions are more commonly used among Ontario Boards now. Cut/paste 3 (three) questions that you believe would be appropriate questions for an interview for Educational Assistant. Provide a brief rationale as to why you believe these would make good questions for an interview scenario Fully answer 1 (one) of these questions. Post this assignment in Submissions