Roman Bold","serif"; font-size: 14.0pt; font-variant: small-caps;”>Professional Interview Analysis Instructions
Assignment Description
You will conduct an interview and write up a case study analyzing the interviewees’ beliefs on education in the context of the theories and thinkers covered in the course. The final document should be 6–8 pages (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages, and appendix).
Specific Guidelines
You will be asked to analyze the statements of another educator in the context of the thinkers covered in this course. Start seeking out a person of interest and line up an interview time early in the course.
The following is a recommended process:
Identify the person to be interviewed. This person can be a teacher, administrator, or other educational professional working in K-12 or in a higher education environment. Be up-front with the person about your task. You will not use real names in your report.
Develop 8–10 questions that will get at the heart of their particular worldview and basic philosophical principles. Keep in mind that you want to have enough substantive material to write your paper. As some cannot identify the philosophical basis of their practice as a teacher or administrator (or the like), the recommended approach includes asking questions about practitioner issues so as to see how they approach problems and real-to-life situations. This will provide you with a wonderful analysis. Provide the interview questions as an appendix to your paper.
During the interview:
It is recommended to record the interview if you are able. If not recorded, you must take detailed notes.
Take note of any situational/environmental issues (anything that would have an impact on the interview).
Be aware of your own bias as you interview. Be sure you are not taking any statements, etc for granted. Question assumptions on your part.
Of course, take notes.
Writing it up/Analysis
This assignment is really just giving you a tiny taste of real case study analysis. It is not a serious study and does not pretend to be.
Write up the case using pseudonyms. Be sure to provide the reader with a description of the subject’s role/context, background (if you are able to gather it), your own reporting of what happened, your analysis, and your conclusions. While this seems to be a hefty project – try to keep it under eight pages.
Your analysis is really an examination of the statements of the subject in light of your knowledge of philosophical leanings in education. This is not merely a summary of the interview; it must be an analysis of the subject’s remarks to the interview questions. Be sure to include specific citations and references to the various people, concepts, and resources addressed in the course text.You are trying to place your subject on the continuum of beliefs. Feel free to be critical.
Your analysis must include proper citation of at least 5 references.
Final notes
You are being assessed on your ability to critically think about the subject’s statements, your knowledge of the philosophical theories, and your writing style (mechanics, spelling, grammar, and APA, etc).
Have fun with this assignment.
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