INTERVENTION GRIDOrder DescriptionSession 9 Assignment
Using the reading by Crone and Horner and the document Completing a Behavior Intervention Plan (session 9 folder), complete the form below.
Part 1:
Map out your intervention plan. I have completed the grid below as an example. Use the blank one below it to create your own.
For example:
I chose to teach my participant (replacement behavior)
_to use his words to replace throwing objects when frustrated (the Challenging Behavior). My intervention includesSetting Events Problemparticipant gets the attention of his peers by making comments loudly during class.Change Writing homework assignment on board and participant to have copied by dismissal.
responsibleTeacher and teacher assistant
materialsUse frequency data
Teacher writing homework on board. Participant makes loud comment that homework is stupid and I hate homework, and throws notebook on the floor. Give the student awritten prompt for nightly or weekly homework In classroom
Teacher and teacher assistant
Use frequency dataConsequences
Reprimand receives praise and token if task is completed,
comments are ignored, no token is given, all materials are picked up by the participant before leaving for the day.
In Classroom
Teacher and teacher assistant
reinforcers like token economy, extra time on the computer and choice of activity at recessSetting Events ProblemSolution-.
Settingperson(s) responsiblematerialsAntecedentsConsequences