Interracial Sex and Marriage:Jungle Fever

Poverty and Pollution Case Study
May 29, 2020
Trade Development
May 29, 2020

Interracial Sex and Marriage:Jungle Fever

Topic: Jungle Fever

Interracial Sex and Marriage

Below are several questions pertaining to this week’s film and reading materials€”you may respond to whichever questions and related threads you choose. Within each sentence in which you borrow an idea, quote or paraphrase from another author, you must cite the text (Name, Article, Page Number). Remember: you do not have to respond to all of the questions imbedded within each main question€”the multidimensional nature of these questions is meant to help up possibilities in each of your responses. Focus on what you find most meaningful within each inquiry. QUESTIONS:

1) (***This question is producing some of the most compelling analysis in our class, so here it is again!)

Choose a short scene in Jungle Fever and conduct a close textual and/or visual analysis of that scene. Structure your response as follows:

a) Provide a time marker (i.e. 33:14-35:46) AND a summary of no more than 2 lines so that we can identify which scene you’re talking about b) Note the scene’s pertinent visual details (i.e. lighting, camera angle, props, wardrobe) OR transcribe a few sentences of relevant dialogue and then€¦< /span> c) Select 1-2 of the visual details OR the dialogue you mention and then€¦ d) Explain how this component functions (as a symbol, cultural marker, or to create a certain dynamic) in relation to specific characters or as a commentary on key course themes (i.e. race/gender/sexual identity, miscegenation, assimilation, etc.)

2) In this week’s article, Saltman states that Director Spike Lee, will not and perhaps cannot embrace an ideology. He inhabits an aimless political space (40). Based on your observations of the film, do you agree with Saltman? Explain why or why not.

3) Pick a quote from this week’s reading that you DISAGREE with or find problematic, include it at the beginning of your response, and make sure to note the page number. Then, explain why you find Saltman’s statement troubling or inaccurate, or explain how you would rethink Saltman’s statement more critically based on your observations of the film.