Interpersonal Communication Academic Essay

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Interpersonal Communication Academic Essay

The purpose of the analysis is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the skills presented in the course, and their application to a specific situation. The reflection must include theory and research evidence; it must not simply be a narrative describing your own behaviour and that of the other person.

Task Instructions

You are required to submit an annotated transcript of the video recording of your Assessment 2: In-Class Interaction Assessment 1 – Receiving Skills. The transcript should:

1. Identify who is talking (or communicating non-verbally) with numbered interactions (see Transcript Example )

2. Show dialogue.

a) The receiver’s (your) dialogue should be reported in full.

b) The sender’s dialogue can be reported using just the first (and/or last) four or five words in order to anchor the marker as to where the script is up to (with the following exception).

c) Where the sender’s dialogue is key to understanding the response of the receiver (you), then the relevant sections of the sender’s dialogue should also be reported in full, either directly in the sender’s script, indirectly through your analysis, or both (Please see SO8 and RO9 in the transcript example).

3. Using the terminology from the course, identify the specific listening skills you use as the receiver(e.g. minimal encouragers, reflection of feeling/content, closed and open questions etc). You do not need to identify skills used by the sender (though you may wish to describe any non-verbal behaviour or clarify the essence of their message if this is relevant).

4. Critically reflect upon your execution of skills. Your critical reflection should include an analysis, based on relevant literature, of the intended reason for executing specific skills, the impact these had upon the sender and/or interaction and an evaluation of your strengths, weaknesses and how you may improve upon these skills in future.


You will be marked according to the following criteria:

Identification of skills and use of literature

Accurate identification of a range of skills [10 marks]

Use of literature to support claims (minimum 5 references) [10 marks]

Evidence of critical personal reflection

Reflection upon the reasons for executing the responses you did [10 marks]

Identification of the impact your responses had upon the sender and/or the overall interaction [10 marks]

Identification of strengths [10 marks]

Identification of areas for improvement [10 marks]

Suggestions of how to develop your skills in light of your reflections [10 marks]


Referencing (APA 6th Edition) and academic writing [10 marks]

Language, expression, grammar, punctuation and spelling [10 marks]

Please see marking matrix attached for details on criteria and grade distributions.

Further Details of this assessment will be covered in lectures. Please also consult the resources provided below.

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Posted on May 28, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions