Internet of Things-Smart Home

Literature review, Computer sciences and Information technology
May 15, 2020
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May 15, 2020

Internet of Things-Smart Home

Internet of Things-Smart Home

The whole work, the critical review should be on the smart homenot the Internet of things as this I already have.
The techniques used, the connection and communication techniques and review the boards used against the boards, which I will be using which are:

1)    A Teensy board and an Ada fruit CC3000 board, advantage is that teensy has got a powerful 32 bit ARM processor. Disadvantage an external Wifi therefore the circuit will be a bit scattered and not very ideal for Smart home applications at it requires very small devices.

Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Breakout with Onboard Ceramic Antenna×4352/dp/2430007?Ntt=teensy

2) An Arduinobaord with yun processor, this has a bulit in Wifi and Ethernet controller but the processor is a simple 8-bit. This is a useful low power and integrated device but problem is the processing power of the Atmega 32.|pcrid|39078497888|kword|%2Barduino%20%2Ba000008|match||plid|&CMP=KNC-GUK-FUK-GEN-KWL&gclid=CjkKEQjww6SdBRDls9vxsf7EoM0BEiQART_xPkb-j2NQnARGRwD1N5-bOTT6y-07-zwtwIE8BSIq-rrw_wcB