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October 11, 2020
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October 11, 2020

International law

Topic: International law

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Answer any three of those 4 questions by referring to the book I am gonna
mention below and the notes attached please no direct quotes or copy paste from the book
or notes it should be a general understanding of what’s there .
1. Please explain what is customary international law? What must a court take into
account in deciding whether a norm has become customary international law? What are
?persistent objectors?? In your answer, discuss both the main requirements for custom and
some factors the court may look at in determining whether each is present. Make sure to
refer to cases or other documents where appropriate.
2.Describe the Advisory jurisdiction of the ICJ and the Contentious jurisdiction of the
ICJ. What are the ways in which contentious cases and advisory opinions may come to the
Court? What are the differences and similarities between such cases and what are the
legal implications of such decisions? Please make sure to identify and refer to relevant
advisory opinions and contentious decision of the ICJ as well as to other documents where
3.Explain the concept of reservations. What is its relevance and importance to
international human rights law? What are the options available to a state faced with a
reservation by another state within a multilateral treaty? What effect does each of those
options have upon the treaty obligations? Make sure to explain what a valid reservation
is, how it is decided, and to refer to relevant cases and other documents as appropriate.
4. Why political and civil rights are considered different from economic, social and
cultural rights. How these perceived differences are reflected in the main human rights
treaties? Do you agree with this distinction? Discuss and give examples.

please do not qoute wikipedia or use any other online sources all the answers should
reflect your understanding of the book and the notes .each question should be answered in
3 pages.

the book is : International law norms , actors , process a problem-oriented Approach by Dunroff ratner wippman ( Third edition )