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International Energy Policy

International Energy Policy

Order Description

Coursework Assignment Brief

Module Title: International Energy Policy

Format: Essay

Word Limit: 2,000 words (with 10% plus or minus leeway)

Deadline date for submission: 26th November 2014

Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment

. Critically analyse the factors affecting the content of
international agreements for the oil and gas industry
. Critically examine the framework of the energy policies.
. Demonstrate the key global challenges and issues facing the
world oil and gas industry and the factors affecting the long
term prospects

Percentage of marks awarded for module:

This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for the module

Assessment criteria

Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria

Maximum marks for each section

Content, style, relevance, originality,

Clear demonstration of rigorous research
from recognised authoritative sources. 50%

Structure Format, referencing, bibliography Harvard 10%

Constructive critical analysis, introduction, conclusion

Demonstration of a clear understanding of the issues. Use of academic models. 40%

Candidates must clearly label their ID Number on additional separate reference, formula or
answer sheets.
Assignment Question

Using the SWOT analytical tool, critically discuss the potentials and impact of the
exploration of unconventional oil and gas and any one renewable energy source on the
energy policy of a country of your choice.

Total marks for assignment: 100 Marks

Assignment outline

This is an individual assignment and must be presented in a report format (2,000 words). It is
important that your report is properly structured. Also, as this is an academic paper, you should
draw on contemporary literature to support your paper. Remember that this individual report
accounts for 50% of your module assessment. Hence, bad performance will have a big impact on
this module. An executive summary is not necessary in a report of this size.

Your report should include references to appropriate process technology and e-business
literature (textbooks, journals and websites). Care should be taken when consulting websites as
they are not all equally authoritative (for example Wikipedia is not peer-reviewed; therefore is not
considered an academic reference website). A minimum of 5 different academic references must
be cited, but a well-researched report is likely to cite many more.

You are advised to keep a backup copy of the report until you receive your grade and regularly
back-up your work in the cloud (OneDrive, iCloud, Dropbox and GoogleDrive are good
examples). A disk crash is not an acceptable reason for late submission.

Below is an indicative structure for your report: Title Page

Assignment title, module code, full name and student code, as well as submission date.

Table of Contents

A list of all the chapters, sections, headings and sub-headings with their respective page numbers,
Appendices and Figures should be provided as well as all page numbers as clearly as possible.


This should show that you have fully understood the brief and that you are going to cover
everything required.

Findings and Analysis

. This is the substance of your report. The structure will vary depending on the material being
presented. Headings and sub-headings should be used to indicate clearly the different sections.
. The following headings may help to add structure: situation; problem; solution; evaluation. It is
not sufficient simply to describe a situation. Analysis and a critical approach are essential.
. Charts, diagrams and tables can be used to reinforce your arguments, although it may be better
to include the more complex ones as an appendix.


These draw out the implications of your findings. Deductions are based on the facts described in
the findings and analysis. Remember not to include any new material here.

Reference List / Bibliography

The terms reference list and bibliography are sometimes used interchangeably, but here we
define the terms as:

. Bibliography €“ a list of consulted readings, for example a list of textbook sources, that
you have studied while composing your essay, but not specifically cited in the text
. Reference list €“ a list of cited sources.


Detailed documentation of points made in the findings. Examples include: technical data,
questionnaires, letters sent, tables, charts or leaflets. An appendix contains supplementary
information that you consider to be too long, complicated or not quite relevant to include in the
main section of the report, but is still relevant to your reader. Each appendix should be referred
to in your text. You should not include something as an appendix if it is not discussed in the

Indicative Grade UK% marks Characteristics.

Distinction 70%+

.Very high standard of critical analysis using
appropriate conceptual frameworks.
. Excellent understanding and exposition of relevant
. Clearly structured and logically developed
. Original thinking and clarity of arguments and/or
assertions made.
. Good interpretation of the geopolitics of oil and
the new paradigm in energy policy
. Substantial evidence of well-executed independent
. Excellent evaluation and breadth of source material
including Academic research materials.
. Relevant data and examples, all properly referenced
using Harvard system.

Merit 69-60%

. High standard of critical analysis using appropriate
conceptual frameworks.
. Clear awareness and exposition of relevant issues.
. Clearly structured and logically developed
. Awareness of geo-political issues affecting energy
production, distribution and consumption.
. Evidence of independent research.
. Good evaluation and breadth of source material.
. Relevant data and examples, all properly referenced
using Harvard methodology

Pass 59-50%
. Uses appropriate conceptual frameworks.
. Attempts analysis but includes some errors and /or
. Shows some awareness of stakeholder management
theory but no interpretation into practice.
. Arguments reasonably clear but underdeveloped.
. Insufficient evidence of independent research.
. Insufficient evaluation of source material.
. Some good use of relevant data and examples but
incompletely referenced.

Pass 49-40%

. Adequate understanding of appropriate conceptual
. Answer too descriptive and or any attempt at
analysis is superficial containing errors and

. Some deviation from Assignment Brief; irrelevant
topics and arguments introduced
. Shows limited awareness of stakeholder
management theory.
. Arguments not particularly clear.
. Limited evidence of independent research and
reliance on a superficial repeat of class notes.
. Relatively superficial use of relevant data sources
and examples and poorly referenced; no page
numbers, poor presentation and pagination.


E 39-30%

eak understanding of appropriate conceptual
frameworks. Weak analysis and several errors and
. Establishes a few relevant points but superficial and
confused understanding of stakeholder theory;
deviation or irrelevance of writing; unnecessary
topics or sections; does not adhere to Assignment
. No evidence of independent research and no use of
relevant data, sources and examples and limited or
no references; no attention to detail in terms of
presentation or proof reading; does not follow
guidelines for format.

It is recommended that you review the requirements of the assignment before submitting your

Students should conform to the conventions of the above assessment format in the
preparation of their assignments. The relevant assessment criteria have been stated to
enable and guide students in the preparation of their work. Achievement of the learning
outcomes and the application of relevant theories to the assessment task should be