Understanding Business and Management Research
April 4, 2020
What is the importance of culture in contemporary management in a Globalized world?
April 4, 2020

International communication

International communication
Carry out a content analysis of internet television of two reputable news organizations, one Western and
one non-Western by studying elements such as language, pictures and headlines in the reporting of
international events.
From the data gathered write a comparative analysis of news content focusing on the news agenda,
sources and predominant news values. Do the following:
Over a 2-week period gather data from the website looking at the news agenda i.e. the top 5
stories covered by subject (i.e. politics, business/economics, conflict. human interest, celebrity) and
geographical interest (i.e. North America, Europea, Asia, Latin America, Pacific)
Who are the experts quoted? (i.e. their cultural, political or social orientation) Are they from an
elite or non-elite country or group?
From what cultural/national perspectives are the stories being reported?
Who is the target audience?
What are the predominant news values?
Your insights and analysis should be supported by examples from the evidence gathered as well as course
readings and other literature.
Attach samples of your page views as an appendix to your analysis for each website.
examples of television stations to choosen from:
Al Jazeera
Xinhua News Agency
ABC News World