Environment Analysis
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020

international advertisment

international advertisment
Order Description

5) PRODUCT/SERVICE CONCEPT (~3-4 pages) (be sure to use de Mooij’s cultural
dimensions and environmental factors you have collected to support your answers…always
explain the “why “of your decisions)
Research how your product/service category is used in your target country (e.g., a
typical breakfast in Japan is fish and soup, not cold cereal; no one drinks soda at meals in
most countries except in the U.S. and Canada)
a) How is the product/service different from the competition or other products/services that
fulfill similar needs in your target country?
b) Do you believe the target audience will have a high or low level of involvement with the
product/service and will this involvement be more emotional or informational?
c) Will the actual product/service need to be modified to suit the target audience in your target
country in terms of:
brand name
package colors or logo and/or container look or size
location of purchase
price considerations
d) Develop and present one statement that describes how your product/service will be
positioned to consumer, e.g., Levi’s are quality jeans that symbolize American values.
Remember to explain your rationale.
e) What attributes and appeals (humor, entertainment, comparative, etc.) should be featured
in the advertising communication to be effective for your target audience?