John Locke Moral Reason
September 11, 2020
Using Levels of Analysis to Understand the Influence of Violent Media on Aggression
September 11, 2020


Rimbo Fire Department


To: Alan Brunacini, Chief executive officer at Rambo fire department.

From: (name of the student), Battalion chief, Rambo fire department.

Date: 25/07/2012.

Subject: Breach Of Bunker’s Gear Contract

The purpose of this memo is to address to you a serious issue concerning the purchase of personal protective gear for our fire fighters in our organization .As you are aware the procurement department awarded the contract to the morning pride manufacturers on 1st of July 2012. This contract is central to our department costly improvement of the protective gear upgrading for our fire fighters .The package consist of 500 set of complete personal protective gadgets. These includes; high-tech bunker-style coat, pants boots and gloves However, wide source of information has sufficiently convinced me that the protective gear from Morning Pride Manufacturers is risky for our firefighters. It is my advice that we may breach this contract I an efficient manner.

I believe that for this department to effectively achieve its goals, important steps must be taken to protect the fire fighters as our important assets. The health and the general safety of the fire fighters is the first consideration I the purchaser of their effective protective attire regardless of the cost involved. It is now clear that the protective gear from the morning pride manufacturers sets a higher risk of burns to our fire fighters. A Report sent to me on 10/07/2012 by firefighter Joaqim phoenix indicated that the fighter fighters had been complaining on the quality of the protective gadgets they used. They complained that they protective gear exposed the workers to scalding problems when they were fighting fire.

More workers had infarct developed burns when the moisture the heat is trapped in the bunker gear was superheated during fire fighting and they ended up having burns. They claimed these gears were defective. Moreover, they were not given adequate risk warnings that were associated with MP bunkers gear which in this case were burn injuries. I have taken myself to look into these allegations since our department has already purchased the protective gear from the Morning pride manufacturers. I am aware of the standards that the fire fighting clothing must meet according to National fire protection association (NFPA) 1971.According to my investigations, Morning pride manufacturers have met these standards. However, there is a need to wait for the stricter standards that have been laid by NASA group on fire standards.

Following these allegations from these manufacturers, I recommend that before we receive the protective clothing we may have an opportunity to inspect their quality prior to delivery and payment. Under article III of the contract, the buyer has the right of acceptance of goods and services for the contractor. We may be having an opportunity of using the clothing during fire fighting after which we can get compensation if any harmful incidence happens. This may be too late. Moreover, it is advisable that we wait for the standards that will be set by the NASA group, and the recommended quality of the clothing they will provide. This may give the morning pride manufacturers a chance to improve their quality. Depending on the finding we get from the inspection, we may decide to breach the contract effectively if they don’t meet the required standards. His will involve paying off the cost they would have incurred.

In conclusion, protection of the firefighters is important in our department. The best clothing are essential for achieving our goals, hence the above recommendations should be implemented.


Copy to chief executive officer