Interference Effects in Performance of a Manual Task
Paper details9 pages, exclude cover, abstract and references. Kindly refer to attached files for more details.
1. Cover Page
2. Abstract: 1 paragraph, 200-300 WORDS, please include keywords)
3. Introduction/Brief Background/Definitions: Hypothesis, Related literature to support (Lateralization, Language, Dual-Task Interference)
4. Method: Design (Operational Definition, in seconds), Participants (n=421, handedness), Materials Used, Procedures)
5. Analysis Used
6. Review relevant literature: Rationale of the current (Extraneous variables and limitations, area of testing)
7. Results: What your results meant. In further research
Descriptives to support inferential Group A scored higher (M= , SD= ) than B (M= , SD= ), F ()
Interpret Results
Discuss with reference to past studies, how does it support? significant? non significant (alternative explanation based on research. * Limitations and Implications Areas of future research Broca and Wernicke (1-2 paragraphs) * MCGOWAN AND OLDFIELD
8. Discussion
9. Implications
10. Conclusion