Medicine writing
March 12, 2020
email bad news
March 12, 2020

Interest Groups


Interest Groups

Virtually all industries lobby political and congressional leaders, some with greater influence than others. For this assignment, choose one special interest group with which you may have familiarity. (If not, choose any one–there are many.) For that special interest, address the following in 1-2 pages, double spaced.
1. Define the interest group. Which industry does the group support and what is the name of the main lobbying organization?
2. What is this interest group seeking? What kinds of changes are they advocating/lobbying for?
3. Find specific legislation and/or regulation that was either supported or opposed by this group recently.
4. What was the outcome of No. 3? iewas the interest group successful in its efforts? Which political leaders played key roles in either supporting or opposing this effort?