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Companies have shifted their marketing strategies from traditional mass media to the internet. Today, companies publicize themselves and market their products and services globally using the internet. Here, they advertise and make sales to digital customers. Being a worldwide medium of communication the internet has experienced rapid growth over years. Worldwide, websites rose from 23, 000 in 1995 to over 55million in 2005 (Zakon, 2005 in Schibrowsky et al., 2007). The sales made over the internet in US also experienced a 61 percent increase in 2004 from 1995 ([1] Direct Marketing Association, 2004 in Schibrowsky et al., 2007).[1]
In this paper, I will cross-examine literature on interactive and internet marketing and asses its growth over the years; and the gaps in different researches on this. The future of interactive and internet marketing will also be assessed.
Melewar & Smith (2003) say that internet marketing bears a lot of opportunities as well as threats to international marketing. Most companies target consumers, and publicize themselves on the internet. It is therefore too influential to be ignored by practitioners in the business world.[2] They however note that the main obstacle with internet marketing is presented by the aspect of language barrier among countries. Defamation and ruining of a company’s reputation is also possible on the internet, considering its nature.[3] Quelch and Klein (1996) in Melewar & Smith (2003) believe that internet will result in product standardization as it encourages the aspect of global market. Palumbo & Herbig (1998) share the same idea and warn that the marketers who are not aware of challenges posed by internet marketing could regret their move of adopting it. This is because of the vital decisions one has to make before adopting this. Such include; international prices, competition, differences in cultures, privacy issues, censorship, intellectual property and international law.[4]
Melancon (2011) argues that the internet is a virtual environment where users escape from the real world and immerse themselves in it.[5] However, Sultan & Rohm (2004) note that the internet is a benchmark for competition and has led to the emergence of electronic markets for businesses. Many researches have been carried out to determine the impact of the internet and other new technologies on business strategies and structures; and how these can lead to the success or failure of businesses. They however note that little results show if in any case the internet marketing by firms will improve over time.[6]
The internet is of great benefits to companies. Regardless of their size, geographical location or business environment, all companies have same chances of undertaking internet marketing, where they move in different social, cultural and legal spheres. Although there are challenges involved in this kind of marketing; companies have successfully marketed their services and goods through this medium. It is however highly recommended that internet alone should not be employed by companies as the only marketing tool. For the sake of effectiveness in marketing, various strategies should be combined.[7]
Doubts remain if at all the internet has totally replaced mass media as it has not been evenly adopted across the globe. It does not also address the problem of language barrier emanating from the cultural differences among nations. Trust is a prerequisite for firms’ internet business transactions. Today, online consumers are in a danger of virtual thieves who have become more skilled. This has reduced the trust level of virtual customers in internet business transactions. Nonetheless, the internet remains a superior medium.
In summary, interactive and internet marketing has a promising future. The internet will continue to impact on future marketing and only with time shall we be in a position to tell if the internet as a marketing tool is headed for much greater things.
Joanna Phillips Melancon, (2011) Consumer profiles in reality vs fantasy-based virtual worlds: implications for brand entry, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 5 Iss: 4, pp.298 312
Melewar, T.C. & Smith, N. 2003, The Internet revolution: some global marketing implications, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 363-369.
Palumbo, F. & Herbig, P. 1998, International marketing tool: the Internet, Industrial Management + Data Systems, vol. 98, no. 6, pp. 253-261.
Schibrowsky, J.A., Peltier, J.W. & Nill, A. 2007, The state of internet marketing research, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 722-733
Sultan, F. & Rohm, A.J. 2004, The evolving role of the Internet in marketing strategy: An exploratory study, Journal of Interactive Marketing, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 6-19.
[1] Schibrowsky, J.A., Peltier, J.W. & Nill, A. 2007, The state of internet marketing research, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 722-733.
[2] Melewar, T.C. & Smith, N. 2003, The Internet revolution: some global marketing implications, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 363-369.
[3] Ibid2
[4] Palumbo, F. & Herbig, P. 1998, International marketing tool: the Internet, Industrial Management + Data Systems, vol. 98, no. 6, pp. 253-261.
[5] Joanna Phillips Melancon, (2011) Consumer profiles in reality vs fantasy-based virtual worlds: implications for brand entry, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 5 Iss: 4, pp.298 312