intelligence and Raising Intellectual Ability
October 1, 2020
witness to 1 unbeliever and write a paper detailing the account
October 2, 2020


Essay Question: In this essay students will discuss how the availability of space for young entrepreneurs in Sydney can be interpreted as a wicked problem. You will also demonstrate how this wicked problem poses an issue and/ or an opportunity for business. In preparing your response, you should: a. justify the statements you are making by referring to sources of information you have independently researched; b. provide examples to support your points; c. refer to at least ten sources from valid and reputable published literature (n.b. this does not just have to be academic literature); d. present your references using the Harvard system of referencing; e. limit your response to 1000 words – not including references (give or take 10%). The ability to present your point of view within a prescribed number of words is an important skill which will be assessed in this task; and, f. edit your work prior to submitting it to ensure it is written with accurate grammatical structure, spelling and punctuation