IMP -1( Integtated Management Project) is a 4000 word submission that addresses the assessment brief, which is to produce a report that:
Identifies an issue in your organisation that has multiple and varied approaches to its resolution. The issue need not be one of failure but may be a challenge facing an organisation. This should be current or impending but not a past issue. You will identify and integrate a range of theories and techniques drawn from multiple appropriate disciplines from your MBA in the creation of appropriate solutions.
How will you approach this assessment? Answer: By elaborating on the proposal and addressing the areas that the unit tutor has indicated in the feedback to your proposal. Explain which theories, tools and techniques are being used and justify their choices. Remember that the integrated nature of the problem is critical here.
In-text references and citations are required at this stage.
Once you have framed the problem you will identify and discuss theories, models and paradigms related to the problem. Make sure that you look at the problem from different points of view and relate them to your learning from as many different units of the MBA. For example:
• People – LMP, LP, MCI – how does your problem/ solution impact on the team & company? Performance, leadership, managing creativity/innovation etc.
• Financial aspect – AfL – How will your solution improve/ impact positively on the financial aspect of the company?
• Marketing – How does your problem/solution impact on the marketing dimension?
• Strategy – From the Strategy unit (Business Strategy) TCGC (locating your problem / organisation within the wider context of global business/ sector – macro-environmental impact – PESTEL, etc.) or business models and strategies from the unit on Entrepreneurship and Small Business
• Operations Management – How does the problem/solution impact on the supply chain, procurement and operational management issues?
• Project management – Consider the models for managing change and other project management theories or models. Can any of these be applied to your problem area? You may use the soft and hard systems approach within this context. Is there any other approach that would be appropriate? If so, present it (with appropriate referencing) and explain how and why it is more suitable to the task at hand.
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Posted on May 6, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions