2: Marketing Plan
August 26, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
August 26, 2020



Order Description
Submission rules
Before commencing work you need to fully familiarise yourself with the ‘Mixed assessment candidate
guidelines’, including:
• Font type and size to be used in your assignments (Arial – size 11).
• Rules relating to referencing third party work.
• Penalties for contravention of the rules relating to plagiarism and collaboration.
• Deadline for the submission of coursework assignment (i.e. within 6 months from the enrolment date).
Important notes
• Make sure you read each question carefully – marks will not be awarded for irrelevant material.
• Check the number of marks allocated to each question and ensure that your answer is sufficient in length
and breadth.
• This assignment consists of 10 questions which range between 10 and 30 marks.
• Learning outcomes 1 and 2 form the foundational knowledge for all other learning outcomes.
• Questions 1 to 8 follow the syllabus learning outcomes 3 to 10 in order.
• Questions 9 and 10 encompass a number of syllabus learning outcomes.
• The total marks available are 200. You need to obtain 120 marks to pass this assignment.
• There is not always a single correct answer for a question and marks will be awarded for all valid

Appendix 1 – Plagiarism

It is important to understand what plagiarism is and how it can be avoided. The Joint
Council for Qualifications (JCQ) defines plagiarism as: “Unacknowledged copying from
published sources (including the internet) or incomplete referencing”. The following also
constitute plagiarism:
• Copying or amending sections of work from a friend/colleague.
• Having a friend/family member dictate something to you.
• Copying and pasting from the internet without citing the source.
• Copying or using directly from a study text quotation without citing the source.
• Paraphrasing without including reference to the source of the paraphrase.
• Working with another person, or using another person’s work to write your assignment.
Within the text of your assignments you should use the following formats to attribute work
to its author(s).
When using quotations from books, websites or journal articles you should cite the author
and the year of publication then use the quote in quotation marks, as below:
As Crystal (2006) points out: “Learning vocabulary is always a matter of building up fields
of words.”
If, however, you would like to use a longer example than your sentence allows, use the
author(s) name, year of publication, indent the quotation and place the page number of the
quotation, at the end:
As Crystal (2006) points out:
Learning vocabulary is always a matter of building up fields of words. And we do that by
comparing words with other words. That is how parents teach children. (Crystal, 2006, p29)
Paraphrasing (This does not apply to other candidates’ work)
Paraphrasing is where you encapsulate another person’s original idea, argument or
conclusion in your own words. It is still necessary to attribute those ideas to the author,
and you can do this by using the formatting outlined for direct quotations, taking care to
include the author’s surname and the year of publication.
There are several methods you can adopt. Try them all a few times. You’ll soon find out
which ones work best for you.
1. Read small sections of your notes or the text you are studying (say a paragraph at a
time). Cover your notes and then write the section in your own words.
2. For every sentence of text you want to paraphrase write two of your own. Remember
it often helps if you identify the main idea then give an example of your own and then
explain how your example fits with the main idea.
3. Take a small section (again say a paragraph). Write down the key words. Cover the
original and then use the key words to help you write a paragraph in your own words.
Don’t change any technical words, numbers or mathematical or scientific formulae.
However feel free to change the everyday words to those of your own.
4. Remember to include a reference to the person who first wrote what you have
If you can’t paraphrase the source then you may need to think about putting the idea in as
a quotation.”
(Using sources. A guide for students: Find it – Check it – Credit it, p 16–17. Ofqual, 2010.)