Innovation from Google’s Free Food Strategy Academic Essay

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Innovation from Google’s Free Food Strategy Academic Essay

Assignment 1: Innovation from Google’s Free Food Strategy

Briefly describe Google, its mission, and its business model.
Analyze the types of people that work at Google, with respect to the business culture of the organization. Indicate one to two (1-2) qualities that define a leader at Google, and determine the typical background of a Google employee.
Identify two (2) examples of services or amenities that Google provides to its employees, interns, partners, and visitors. Next, examine two to three (2-3) ways in which such free services and amenities create an organizational culture that fosters creativity and innovation. Note: In the context of business, “creativity” means having the ability to conceive something new and original, including ideas, imagination, and things that are outside of the box. “Innovation” is the implementation and execution of something new, including products, technology, services, and business models.
Discuss Google’s organizational culture, and determine whether or not you would prefer to work in this type of environment. Indicate whether or not Google’s company culture would help you to perform your tasks with a greater degree of creativity and innovation. Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions