American institute of stress (
June 18, 2020
Critical assessment of the EU and UK waste legislation and the nature and issues within the construction and demolition sector.
June 18, 2020

Innocent brand

Innocent brand

Brands like Innocent Drinks in the UK and Tazo in the United States takes risks with humour and language that would have been unimaginable by serious marketers a few years ago. The logo cops would be making wholesale arrests. But if your brand name is Innocent, which expresses an innocent personality and approach to life, then that personality should be expressed consistently through an innocent visual and verbal identity” (Clifton and Simmons, p.125, 2011)
Innocent have developed a strong brand presence in the UK and lead the market in their category. You will provide an analysis of the brand in report format covering the following areas:
a. Define the market.
What is the current market environment that the brand trades in?
What are the opportunities for growth and what are the threats for the brand?
b. Identify the competitors.
Who are the main competitors in this category? Please provide market size and market share data.
Define their positioning and their target market.
Select two of the brands that are their main competitors from the category and provide more detailed analysis.
c. Understand the consumer.
Exactly who are the consumers that buy smoothies and fresh fruit juices, and in particular Innocent’s offer?
Why do they choose Innocent?
You need to analyse what contributed to the success of Innocent. How have Innocent developed such a strong identity and how has this creaieted such a strong competitive advantage? Identify the brand’s values, how this has been communicated to the target market and how they have grown their market share. Discuss the brand positioning and image: Analysis of their visual and verbal identity. Please apply brand theory here.
Remember that you must provide evidence that you understand the theories and concepts that contribute to the creation and development of successful brands, so utilise theory where appropriate.
APA 6th edition referencing system.
Report format: 3,000 words in length. (School policy states you cannot exceed this word limit, from introduction to conclusions in the report are included in the word count) The actual word count needs to be clearly stated on the title page of the report, put it on the front cover as well. The main body of the report should be double-spaced.