ase study attached below and please answer these questions.
Based on the case study provided prepare a report that addresses the following;
1. What is your assessment of your (Roberta’s) efforts to date?
2. How will you convince Stewart Jones to allow you to proceed with the project? What arguments might you use?
3. Describe how you will develop a change process and the critical issues you will face in managing the change?
I just want you use following book to get more informations for the paper and I think it will help you.
Essential Reading include but no limited to the following;
1. Cumming, T. & Worley, C (2008); Organization, Development & Change, South-Western Cengage Learning
2. Alexander, I. and Maiden, N. (2004) Scenarios, Stories, Use Cases. Wiley, Chichester
3. Open University. Complexity, Management and Change; Applying a Systems Approach. T301-Block IV Soft Systems Approach; Introductory Guide and Workbook.
4. Burnes. Managing Change. Person Education, 2004.
**Please Note that for the Question 1 is only 2 pages, question 2 is 3 pages, for question 3 is 3 pages and for the conclusion is must be only one page.