Information society is also a surveillance society

October 19, 2020
The Purposes of Lawn Care Chicago
October 19, 2020

Information society is also a surveillance society

Major changes in the business world and also in personal communication This article will seek to identify whether an information society will be under tough regulations and whether an information society will be under higher surveillance than the normal society in terms of the technological advancements.The creation and manipulation of the information society that has a significant role in encouraging economic.A society will be evaluated on its success in achieving information independence in various ways. One of the means of evaluation is determining the technological position of the society. A society should be characterized by rapid technological innovations if it is to be considered to be an information society. A society that is built on high levels of technological innovations will reconstruct the social interaction between the individuals. Such a society will witness a shift from face to face communication and shift to communication through the social networks.

The widespread internet use by both the individuals and the government has placed privacy protection and data surveillance on the limelight becoming the main source of attention in the information technology. Surveillance societies have started to emerge in the recent years at a high level. A surveillance society is characterized by extensive collection, recording and storage of information about individuals in such a society and their daily activities. The information about the people daily activities will be collected for different reasons; these reasons will range from governance reasons to management of particular situations.Information to the security agencies will amount to some level of surveillance.An information society will demand that the individuals in the social media and the internet in general expose most of their private and public that life. Most individuals will have to put on public the activities that are going on in their lives. Societies using surveillance have been on the center of criticism as people argue that surveillance is a concept that is purely used to intrude the personal life of the people in the general public.

The information society is a surveillance society due to the controls that are put in place on the websites. Most of the social media communications and also other sites communications will be under the scrutiny of the parties providing the platform. During signups to these sites, there will be numerous agreements that will seek to grant the controllers the power they need to access all the information that is exchanged on these sites. It is for this reason that the information society will remain to be a surveillance society. All the information will be scrutinized before delivery or even on delivery; it will be prone for retrieval on demand in order to solve certain issues that may arise.The control agencies will extend with time even to the other uncovered individuals in the party to be monitored closely by the financial institutions; as much as the intentions of the monitoring will all be innocent, it is clear that the actions will amount to surveillance. People are supposed to keep their details about the transactions that they make to themselves, however, with that monitoring; there will be no confidential information that will be retained by the user. The lack of confidentiality about person transactions with the business cards will amount to a certain level of surveillance as it will lead to infringement of the personal space.

In information societies, companies will aim at improving the consumer satisfaction by continually improving their products. To do so, they will have to collect the information about the product loyalty from the customers past experiences. To collect the data about the product loyalty, the companies will have toput together past data that exist from the customer purchases. The access of information will be through any means that would include accessing the information about the customer previous purchases. The act contributes by a large proportion an act of surveillance as this will be done without the consent of the customers. The infringement of the customers purchasing decisions will amount to surveillance as the customers will have limited options on the control of access of the data.Information society will have most of their communications made through the media or over the phones,disclosed and for this reason, it amounts to a form of surveillance that is beyond the control of the particular individuals.

The information of these times store the information on their temporary storage that is through cookies. The host providers will want to have each person history of browsing the web and for this reason, they will store all recent logins and sites visited so as to make sure that there is easy access of the system with time. information is meant to improve the experience of the browsers in the web but despite this, the information will be used to track any malicious information or details that are fed into the internet. So as to make sure that no malicious activities happen in the web, 6these companies will want to pass through the browsing history of each and every person. That on itself represents a surveillance as people are subject to an overseeing eye that tracks their movement. The information collected will be used under the terms of the company and hence people using the platform will have to agree to use the platform under various terms and conditions. This overseeing the activities that one does on the web amounts to some level of surveillance as it will be done partially out of their wish and the company will have to keep the track of the people browsing history. Decide on reviewing such information and then on the review, the manager might base a decision on the issue raised. The act will amount to a certain level of surveillance as it will mean that the information that will be provided will be subject to review.On the other hand it can be argued that an information society is not a surveillance society for the following reasons,it is justified that the personal communications be regulated under an uniform system.

In order to regulate the goods sold to people, in order to bar some people from accessing them, various companies will require personal details of the customers. The seller might want to bar people on various grounds which may range from the current condition such as health status, marital status or even age. In order to access such services, the customer will need to disclose personal contact that may sometimes be confidential. For this reason, the company will be expected to handle the process, and any documents presented with the level of confidentiality they need. In opposition to this, various agencies might want to learn the personal information of the customer on various grounds such as being security threats. They will compel the online selling services to disclose all the information that was collected during the service delivery so as to help them make their decisions. For this reason, compelling the companies to submit the information they collected about a customer will amount to some level of surveillance as the companies will be liable to submit any information needed without failure.