Information Sciences Research Methodology PG (6797) Academic Essay

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Information Sciences Research Methodology PG (6797) Academic Essay

Assignment 3: Research Methodology Chapter or Paper

Due Week 13, Friday 5pm

Value 40%, 3000 words maximum


The purpose of this assignment is to present and write up the research design of your own thesis or research paper.


This is an individual effort where you are required to write in a scholarly manner, the

research design chapter of your thesis, or a research paper on research design, based on assignment 2. You are expected to engage in library and Web searches of appropriate and creditable academic and industry sources, for example, the Web of Science or the Web of Knowledge.

The assessment overall is designed to develop research skills, writing and oral communication abilities, independent and critical thinking, organisational abilities, as

well to acquire an understanding of the research topic.

Submission Instructions:

The assignment should be organised using the following guidelines:

The cover sheet must identify the student (name and number) and assignment.
The assignment is expected to be written essay style and to have the following components: abstract, introduction, main section, conclusion and reference section.
Reference sources must be cited in the text, and listed appropriately at the end
in a reference list in an acceptable style.
The assignment must use 12 point font size minimum and at least single line
spacing with appropriate section headings.
The abstract and reference list are not included in the word count.

The assignment must be submitted via the Moodle Submission Link

Extensions: Requests for an extension, accompanied by supporting documentation, must be received by the convenor in writing before the due date else penalties apply for late submission without an approved extension.

Penalties: Academic misconduct such as cheating and plagiarism may incur penalties ranging from a reduced result to program exclusion.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions