Influence of organization culture to an Enterprise in the United States

Topic: The comparison of Johnson’s and Nixon’s Vietnam War strategies
September 14, 2020
No one can reduce consciousness to brain processes.
September 14, 2020

Influence of organization culture to an Enterprise in the United States

There has been increased competition in the business area with many businesses in United States facing stiff and fierce competition from local business enterprises or other global businesses. The business enterprises are also expanding into the global market with many organizations making their businesses global to be competitive in the global sector. In order to expand their businesses and remain competitive even in the global sector American enterprises need to assess the organizational culture as it is one of the core elements for a business in order to be successful in the local and global sector. Organizational structure is the actions and behaviors of members of the company including workers, management and owners of the company and looks at the values, goals, mission, vision and the norms of the organization or enterprise. For an enterprise to run effectively, organizational culture acts as one of the main features to an enterprise’s success. This paper looks at the influence or the effect that organizational culture has on the success or failure of a business and as the result aims to answer the question of how organizational structure influences enterprises in the United States.

Looking at the existing literature on organizational culture and its influence on enterprises will be one of the main ways that the paper will use to conduct the research. Literature review is important in conducting research as it gives one the views and counter-views of a given idea and what other researchers have discovered after conducting their research. The literature review also helps the researcher in making sure that they conduct the research effectively as the literature outlines the challenges and the improvements that ought to be done on a given research. A literature review will be part of the research that will be included in the paper to form the basis for the research.

The other aspect which is of importance is the research methodology and how the research has been conducted. Giving a step by step breakdown of the procedures and actions taken to collect the information on the enterprises will also be highlighted in the paper. This part is also important as it provides the reader of the paper idea on how the paper was conducted, and the information that the researcher collected outlining what companies the research was conducted on. The research findings, analysis and the inferences will also be included in the paper. It is after analysis of the data or response given that the paper will analyze and create an inference on to the topic. Analysis of the data will help in breaking down on the research and give a conclusive argument on the impact of organizational culture on the enterprises in America.

The discussion and a recommendation will make up the final part of the research paper as it will give the stance of the research paper based on the research conducted. This part will also highlight the recommendations or suggestions on what the enterprises need to improve in the United States to make sure that they remain competitive and grow. The challenges faced while conducting the research will also be part of this part of the paper and what needs to be done in the future to improve the paper will also be highlighted on this part.