Industrial partners(s) (if project is industry linked)

Analysis of Healthcare Consumer Experience
June 9, 2020
Assessing Community Needs week 8 Assignment
June 9, 2020

Industrial partners(s) (if project is industry linked)

Topic: Agile methods in PM(Project Management) customer Service

Order Description

Project Outline (brief outline with breakdown of individual tasks for group projects)
Agile project management is an iterative and incremental method of managing the design and build activities for engineering, information technology, and new product or service development projects in a highly flexible and interactive manner. It is widely used within project management environments as a rapid mobilization methodology. Many service oriented organizations consistently have challenges with service delivery specifically within the context of customer service. What role could an agile approach play in assisting organizations to find more “flexible” solutions to customer service challenges? Can an agile model be modified to support customer services problems given its predominance in software development? This research explores the feasibility of applying agile methodologies outside of its traditional framework to support faster customer responsiveness/problem resolutions through the lens of hybrid agile model development.

Resources required (e.g. computers, servers, software tools, travelling)

Industrial partners(s) (if project is industry linked)

Learning outcomes (e.g. skills and experience attained)
– Critically analyse the present advantages/disadvantages of current agile project management implementation.
– Be able to collect, organize and review pertinent literature associated with the topic
– Be able to provide assess the present model and construct a potential variant which can be used in customer service environments

Topic: Agile methods in PM customer Service
Title: V1. Cycle-time agile methods to improve customer service
V2. The application of agile cycle-time methods to improve customer service issues in PM