Individualism vs collective behavior

Film & Theatre studies
May 20, 2020
Topic: Human Resources as a Streategic Partner
May 20, 2020

Individualism vs collective behavior

Individualism vs collective behavior

ALL OF THIS RP is based on the text: Rat Beach (by Styron)

In what way Styron is different when he is confronted to other, comparing to when he is alone? (can be a little modified in a better way)

Theme to be explored: (roadmap)
Individual behavior = way of acting, thinking, judging when he is alone
Collective behavior = different actions, reactions, and feelings
Study of behavior of soldier during the war

Stories to compare to this topic with quotes
A horseman in the sky by Bierce and A Farewell to Arms
by Ernest Hemingway
NO external texts may be used
NO more than 20% quotes
Then you should use 3 academics sources (in English only) MINIMUM, always written in a MLA style when you’re quoting or paraphrasing
I already find 2 interesting website: and

Introduction: Grab the reader’s intention
– Topic sentence at the beginning of every paragraph
– Pages numbered and double space
-Could you please underline everything that you QUOTE or PARAPHRASE and put the sources in the work cited at the very end.