Individual Project Environment Science.

View well-known corporations. Research one of the companies. Discuss the chief executive officer’s (CEO) leadership qualities. Answer the following qu
October 25, 2020
Reconceptualizing Practice
October 25, 2020

Individual Project Environment Science.

Read Objective and description in attached Unit 3 – Individual Project Environment Science. Answer all questions Q1-3.A-F Q4.A. And follow rubric will be used for grading. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014.

Unit 3 Individual Project Environmental Science
You will prepare an APA-style research paper to discuss energy topics, as follows:
Q1.In your own words, describe the laws of thermodynamics.
Q2.Explain how these scientific laws apply to energy use, energy conversions, and the need for energy efficiency?
Q3.Describe the pros and cons of the following energy types, writing 1 paragraph for each:
A. Fossil fuel: Oil, natural gas, and coal
B. Nuclear energyC. Solar energy
D. Wind power
E. Water (hydro) power
F .Bioconversion (biofuel)
Q4.Research and describe 2 provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
A. Describe each provision, and provide your opinion about how each provision helps the United States meet energy use goals.
The following rubric will be used for grading:
Grading Rubric
70% Content Development/Critical Thinking: Student uses relevant content to fully and accurately answer all questions. Student demonstrates critical thinking by synthesizing original answers in student’s own words based on reading and research, and includes relevant examples.
20% Organization, Grammar, and Presentation: Organization is clear. Writing clearly and effectively communicates relevant content. Few if any errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
10% 5% Information Literacy and Research: Student selects and uses high-quality, credible references relevant to the assignment questions.
5% Sources are correctly cited using APA style: The paper follows APA format and includes a title page, abstract, body of paper, and reference list.
• Objectives:
o Discuss environmental public policy in relation to current issues
o Discuss fundamental concepts of environmental science: sustainability, stewardship, and sound science