Individual Feasibility Analysis Instructions

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Individual Feasibility Analysis Instructions

Individual Feasibility Analysis Instructions

The individual feasibility analysis is the summative assessment for the course and is required by the School of Business for the BUSN303 course. All students must complete all parts of the final assessment to pass the class.

The steps for completing this assignment are:

1. Select a product, service or business concept (new-to-the-world, or existing) that involves a critical business decision or dilemma to be resolved through application of business research skills. For example, you might choose to research a firm’s decision to enter a new global market, or to outsource delivery of a business service, or to apply a well-known brand name to a new product category. More specific examples of appropriate topics may be found on the following page. You will submit a written 1-2 page proposal for the topic, defining the business problem or opportunity in the form of a statement (thesis) from which appropriate research questions can be developed. The written proposal should identify at least five research questions directly related to the thesis statement.

2. Once I have approved the assignment topic and research questions, you will conduct secondary research to complete the Feasibility Analysis template (available on Blackboard – this is the same template we used for the Group Feasibility Analysis project). Use of the template will assist you in organizing data, sources, and identifying information gaps. Milestones for completing sections of the template are noted in the Course Schedule. Should you encounter any hurdles, please contact me as soon as possible so that we can devise a resolution. We will meet at least once during class for an individual conference.

3. When all relevant information is gathered, you will synthesize and analyze the data, and reach a well-reasoned conclusion to the original business decision. You will draft a written report that summarizes that conclusion and answers all research questions in depth, using data to support all findings. Specific requirements for the written report:
• Title page
• Abstract
• Findings in response to research questions (3-4 pages of narrative, excluding graphs, charts and other graphics)
• Recommended conclusion/decision and rationale (2-3 pages)
• References page
• Appendices
o Completed Feasibility Analysis Template
o Original topic proposal
o Key data charts, tables and reports as appropriate

4. You will post their completed reports on Blackboard for peer review. Your classmates will complete and post 1-2 page written critiques/reviews of reports by two of their peers.

Examples of Individual Feasibility Analysis Topics

We Take the Cake is a Florida based company making specialty cakes sold locally and online. The company has hired you to assess options for expansion.

The Little Tikes Company, located in Hudson, Ohio, manufactures toys in the United States. The company has hired you to assess options for expansion.

Cascade Engineering, Inc., is a multi-business multinational company based in Michigan. It manufactures and markets a variety of products having a sustainability emphasis (RainStore, Decade Products, photovoltaic solar systems, Swift Wind, enviroKote). The company has hired you to assess options for expansion.

Lug, with offices in Toronto and Dallas, features a line of trendy bags and travel accessories that are sold in stores in the U.S. and Canada. The company has hired you to assess options for expansion.

Salmon Air is a small plane air charter offering charter and fixed daily flights between multiple Idaho cities. The company has hired you to assess options for expansion.

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