, in which way can an industrial revolution change economy?

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August 13, 2020
August 13, 2020

, in which way can an industrial revolution change economy?

Order DescriptionA proposal for the library paper:
The industrial revolution is a very important event in the human history. Its impacts on the world as a whole is a topic of interest. But, what is more interesting, is studying these impacts on the country that led this revolution. As an economist, I might be concerned about the overall impact of the industrial revolution on Englands economy. By focusing on coal production and the importance of coal as a fuel for several industries, in which way did the industrial revolution change Englands economy? Does that change turn out to be good or bad for Englands economy? (Evaluation of the economic change)Please use this primary source for the introduction:A primary source:
https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/historical-coal-data-coal-production-availability-and-consumption-1853-to-2011A File for the paper requirements and descriptions will be attached.Please, be attention to the Guidelines!
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