This question set will test whether you have done, understood and assimilated the reading and the other course material so far. No question should require an answer of more than 500 words, and the assessment should take you no more than three hours to complete
To get a good grade here, you must answer the questions comprehensively but succinctly; that is, you must cover the important points but not waste space on irrelevancies, repetitions, or waffle. You must show that you have done and understood the reading, and listened to and understood the class material. You must take care with your writing and your presentation; I expect precise and correct English, references to sources in appropriate academic format, careful proofreading and presentation.
Jeremy Black, London: a history. A good general survey
Robert Bucholz and Joseph Ward, London: 1550-1700. An excellent exploration of themes and patterns in the history of London.
Leo Hollis, The Stones of London. This looks at themes in the history of London using 12 buildings as starting points.
To get a grade in the B range you should
Submit your work on time and in the correct format
Answer the questions asked
Have a clear introduction and conclusion
Avoid digression, irrelevancy, and waffle
Include all the most important points
Organize your answers clearly and logically
Support generalizations with specific evidence
Show you have done and understood the relevant required reading
Show that you have paid attention in class
Use precise language
Use correct grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation
Present your work attractively
To get a grade in the A range, you should also
Show evidence of further reading or other research
Show originality of thought or unusual depth of insight
Surprise or inform me
Write with elegance and flair
You will get a grade in the C/D/F range if you
Don’t do everything required to get a B
Copy or plagiarize
Here are the questions:
In what ways did London become the first modern city between 1550 and 1750?
How did London’s physical fabric and geographical layout change between 1500-1750?
How did the traumatic political events of 1640-1710 – the Civil wars, the Restoration, the Glorious Revolution – affect London’s cultural and commercial life in the long term? [Please don’t tell me what happened; describe the impact of those events.]
How did the “creative industries” develop in London between 1550 and 1750? How do these developments reflect and illustrate changes in London’s culture and economy?