‘In light of the obesity epidemic Academic Essay

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‘In light of the obesity epidemic Academic Essay

You will research and write an essay of 1500 words on the essay title below:

‘In light of the obesity epidemic, should engineers be held responsible for designing urban spaces, buildings and transportation networks in such a way as to promote increased physical activity? Support your answer by reference to two urban centres in which engineering solutions have contributed to increased physical activity and, as a result, increased population health.’

Use fully cited/referenced source material and examples to support your answers.

Your work must be word-processed in “Arial”, “calibri” or “Times new Roman”.

You should use font size 12.

Work must be double line spaced.

For the print copy, be sure to staple the cover sheet to the front of your work before submission (B55 will not provide staplers).

For the electronic copy, please name your file as follows:

Group_Surname_Name_ID number

Your essay will be marked against both reading and writing criteria as follows:


Evaluation & selection of source material

Have you selected a suitable number of appropriate, up-to-date materials?

Synthesis of source material

Have you been able to synthesise relevant information from different sources using appropriate paraphrasing and summarising skills?

Have you been able to use source information safely, i.e. following Harvard referencing conventions?


Does your essay fully address the essay title? Have you developed your ideas and arguments fully? Is information presented relevant to the essay title?

Has information been organised into appropriate paragraphs, and paragraphs sequenced in a logically coherent manner? Have you used cohesive devices effectively to improve the flow of the essay?

Have you used a wide range of vocabulary flexibly, and with precision to convey your meaning?

Grammatical range & accuracy

Have you used a range of structures appropriately and accurately? Is spelling and punctuation correct?

Have you used and appropriate structure? Have you used academic language? Have you referenced appropriately?


In order to complete ESUS 3 and pass the module, the student must complete all assessed coursework and examinations, and achieve a minimum score of 40% in each assessed component. However, please note that the overall grade required in ESUS 3 for PROGRESSION onto most degrees at Lancaster University is 60% and may be higher for some courses.

In addition to these progression requirements, students must achieve a minimum score of 40% in all four skills components, in order to comply with UKVI requirements to demonstrate a level of CEFR B2 in all 4 skills.



Your work should be appropriately structured, with a clear introduction, well-organised main body and clear closing paragraph. When you have decided on the ideas you will use in your essay, consider very carefully the most logical order you will present them in. Clear ‘signposting’ should be used to make it easy for your reader to understand where you are and where you are going.

Clear transitional language should lead your reader from one section to the next. The structure of the main body should follow the organisational statement (route map) you offer in your introduction.


Remember that you are required to develop each point in an analytical/critical manner: engage your critical analysis and do not simply state facts. Also, the points YOU want to make must be supported with evidence from source materials wherever possible: this is academically researched work, not simple personal observation.


Sources should be used to support the points that you make, and should not just be lifted and pasted into your work without paraphrasing, showing a clear connection with your points, or without appropriate acknowledgement. Use the formulae we study in class.
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Posted on May 18, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions