Leadership and the National Quality Framework Length
May 17, 2020
Australia and the World
May 17, 2020

In defence of luddism

In defence of luddism

Note: This essay has to be created according to the instruction.
Scholarly articles have to be used and cortical thinking is important to develop a significant and meaningful essay.
Instruction: I uploaded the Noble journal article; nevertheless, 4 more scholarly journal articles beyond the Noble articles have to be used.
The journal article must be scholarly source.
An example of scholarly journal article is : Fearon, J. D., & Laitin, D. D. (2003). Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War. American Political Science Review, 97(01), 75. doi: 10.1017/S0003055403000534€³

Essay question:What is Noble’s central argument In Defence of Luddism?
What are its strengths and weakness? For example: Is the hypothesis have to be acknowledged or refuted. What are the evidence in favour of the hypothesis and what are evidences are against hypothesis?
Do you agree or disagree? For example, as a critical thinker what you think about the theory?  Are the scholarly journal articles that you found speak the same thing? Or their theory is concluded differently?  Is there any exaggeration. Do you think new labour policy has to be established to uphold unskilled worker? Is technology just giving benefit to some people?
Are there any fallacies that weaken the argument?