In cases that involve identity theft, the criminal justice system protects the people but respects the rights of the accused. Answer the following que

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In cases that involve identity theft, the criminal justice system protects the people but respects the rights of the accused. Answer the following que

In cases that involve identity theft, the criminal justice system protects the people but respects the rights of the accused. Answer the following questions:
Person A steals Person B s identity; however, there are no monetary damages.

Has a crime been committed?
Find an example of an identity theft case, and explain what happened.
Have there been any changes to these laws over recent years? Explain.
find the federal laws and the laws in a state of your choice that apply to this matter, and provide the details.
Do these laws change your response about whether a crime was committed by Person A? Explain.
Be sure to cite all references in APA format.