In Australia, using or claiming the work or ideas of someone else as your own without acknowledgement is wrong.’

Economic and Monetary Policy Academic Essay
August 19, 2020
Methodological Issues Article Review Academic Essay
August 20, 2020

In Australia, using or claiming the work or ideas of someone else as your own without acknowledgement is wrong.’

Topic: In Australia, using or claiming the work or ideas of someone else as your own without acknowledgement is wrong.’
Order Description
Assessment Method: Full Argumentative Essay

Word limit or equivalent: 1200 (+/- 20%)

Support or refute the above statement (In Australia, using or claiming the work or ideas of someone else as your own without acknowledgement is wrong.’ ) making reference to existing and credible research on the topic to provide a strong basis for your argument position.

When answering this style of essay you are to consider the above topic statement from more than one point of view and provide supported, credibly referenced arguments for and against the main ideas and draw a conclusion.

Suggested (but not limited to) points to consider in your research and argument;

Ethics and integrity – moral implications

Trust issues – breach of trust – fellow students, teachers, employees, customers, community

Academic issues – reasons for referencing, academic capability, idea development

Legal issues – Intellectual Property, Copyright, Trademarks, Brand damage, crime

Societal issues – cultural issues, advancement / continuing development of knowledge

Your response should show evidence of having consulted a wide range of credible reference sources (minimum of fifteen) including textbooks, peer review journals, business periodicals and reputable websites to assist your essay.

All information sources used in your essay must be acknowledged by referencing (in-text and references list)