Importance of Cognitive and Social Theories to Child Development Custom Essay

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April 3, 2020
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April 3, 2020

Importance of Cognitive and Social Theories to Child Development Custom Essay

Abstract The development of a child is influenced by several factors such as the teacher, the environment, the peers or the parents. Research studies have identified the growth of children to be different and the way they are affected by the influential factors on their growth is different too. However, there are a number of stages through which the children pass during the adolescent years. The way a child is brought up is important since it can affect the child in either a positive or negative manner. Several scholars have defined the term child development but according to Erikson, child development is a continuous process that occurs through various stages in a child with a number of elements that change at different rates. Introduction Child development occurs at different rates through time. Several scholars have contributed to this topic on child development.