Implementing& Maintaining Social Media Policies/ Social Media & Multi-Generational Workforce Academic Essay

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Implementing& Maintaining Social Media Policies/ Social Media & Multi-Generational Workforce Academic Essay

Implement & Maintain Social Media Policies/ Social Media & Multi-Generational Workforce
**Clearly label part one and part two on this order.
PART 1 – Implement & Maintain Social Media Policies
Describe how an organization would implement and maintain its social media policies.
What are the risks associated with these policies not being followed or enforced?
Write a 300-word response to the question.
Ensure you use proper grammar and APA formatting when using citations and references.
Your response needs to include at least TWO academic resources to support your answer.
The books count toward one of the two academic requirements.
PART 2 – Social Media & Multi-Generational Workforce
Predict what might happen if you combined the innovation of social media into an organization that has a multi-generational workforce.
Write a 300-word response to the question.
Ensure use proper grammar and APA formatting when using citations and references.
Your response needs to include at least TWO academic resources to support your answer.
The books count toward one of the two academic requirements
Required Text
Flynn, Nancy. (2012). The Social Media Handbook: Rules, Policies, and Best Practices to Successfully Manage Your Organization’s Social Media Presence, Posts, and Potential.
• Chapter 10, Writing Effective Social Media Policies
• Chapter 11, Content Rules are Critical to Compliance
Solis, Brian. (2011). Engage!: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web
• Chapter 22, Facebook is Your Home Page for the Social Web
Recommended References
Auer, M. R. (2011). The policy sciences of social media. Policy Studies Journal, 39(4), 709-736. Retrieved from the University of the Rockies library.
Gelms, J. (2012). High-tech harassment: Employer liability under title vii for employee social media misconduct. Washington Law Review, 87(1), 249-279. Retrieved from the University of the Rockies library
How to write a social media policy –
RSA Conference 2012 — Social Media in Marketing and the Workplace: Legal and Regulatory Compliance –
Social Business Readiness: How Advanced Companies Prepare Internally –
Social Media Disasters (or How Not Having a Social Media Strategy Can Hurt) –
Social Media Dos & Don’ts –
Social Media Policies

Social media will change your business –
The Geosocial Universe by JESS3 –
The Social Media Brandsphere –
Online book –!/4/[email protected]:0.00
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Posted on May 11, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions