Activity ResourcesChapters 7-12 in Glickman, C. D., Gordon, S. P., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2010). SuperVision and instructional leadership: A developmental approach. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.Required Video: Comprehending Content: Reading Across the Curriculum (Grades 6-12 )Pre-ActivityRead the four case studies in Chapter 7 in Glickman (2010).Read the Developmental Supervision analysis of each case study.
Identify which of the four approaches to superVision you believe best describes the actions taken by the supervisor in each case.Post your response in a discussion post (See Main Task Part 1: Discussion Post)Carefully read Chapters 8-11 in Glickman (2010), wherein each of the four SuperVision approaches is addressed in depth in one of the chapters.Watch the Comprehending Content: Reading Across the Curriculum (Grades 6-12 ) video. This video consists of several clips of the same teacher working with her class. Use the first 30 minutes of the video for purposes of this assignment.Make an initial recommendation regarding the supervisory approach you would start with if you were the line supervisor (assistant principal or principal) for the teacher in the video and note why.Identify which of the four approaches to superVision you believe best describes the actions taken by the supervisor in each case.Make an initial recommendation regarding the supervisory approach you would start with if you were the line supervisor (assistant principal or principal) for the teacher in the video and note why.Length: 150- 300 words