This week you implement your financing plan by choosing the type of lender or other financing plan. Specify three sources of potential financing. Summarize the costs and benefits of each in a Word document.
Select the financing option that you feel is the most feasible. Prepare an Excel sheet that contains details of your expected costs for this type of financing over the first three years of your business plan.
In addition, use this financing information to complete your Executive Summary that you began preparing in Week 08. Use your instructor’s feedback to make any necessary adjustments to the Executive Summary.
This assignment contains three deliverables.
Submit these files as a single zipped “.zip” file to the drop box below. For more information on zipped files please click the Technical Requirements
Observation and Analysis of Behaviour
– Explain the behaviour that occurs the most. – Collecting data with 20 minute video – Drawing Graphs to analyse the most prominent behaviour – Define target behaviour – Coherent justification – The most appropriate measuring procedure – graphical and/or tabular form – Hypotheses to obtain baseline measures – Explain the rationale of selecting the procedure – Identify the problematic behaviour