IMPACT SUMMARY STATEMENTSOrder DescriptionWrite a 1 page summary of your readings that (1) identifies 5 key points that
stand out to you from the readings and (2) write two critical questions you have
from the readings:
1. Identify 5 Key points: decide on and summarise five key points from the
assigned reading/s. The five points will be the most important ones in the
assigned reading, as you perceive them. Include in the impact summary a
defense for each point, that is, why you believe it is important. Subtitles or
the hierarchical segmentation in the assigned readings does not necessarily
imply importance. Similarly this is not simply an exercise in reiterating what
the author has said.
2. Develop 2 critical questions about the reading: A critical question is a
written, open-ended query that emanates from critiquing the assigned
readings, and when asked in class, initiates critical thinking/discussion
among the class. An effective critical question:
Draws upon the existing knowledge and experience of other students
(and instructor) about the assigned material;
Is always written with a reference) point in reading duly noted (and
announced when asked);
Is clear, concise, and non-confusing as written; that is, it does not require
paraphrasing to be understood;
Is well-focused to avoid vague generalisations or rampant speculation
during discussion; and
Cannot be answered with a simple yes or no.