Immigration documentaries Academic Essay

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Immigration documentaries Academic Essay

Analyze in a comparative way the documentary structure and techniques of in this world by Michael winterbottom, balsteros/rafters by carles bosch and josep maria domenech, and Extranjeras/Foreign women by Helena Taberan . Refer to the following aspects , among other soundtrack( diegetic and non diegetic sound) montage editing , the docudrama and road movie genre, camera shot and framing, film makers intervention or mediation to enable communications or to respect the subjects rhythms.

Focus on the visual and structural aspect of the films. Provide close analysis and interpretation of at least one film segment per topic. Include interperations that address the ethical and ideological elements. Illustrate your analysis with refrences to assigned and relevant articles to support your arguments.

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Posted on May 17, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions